B&B #6: EV transition, teenage social media use and shrinkflation
The EV transition, teenage social media use and shrinkflation.
- Peugeot owner and VW call for faster switch to electric vehicles
- Teenage social media use strongly linked to anxiety and depression, UK study finds
- 'Shrinkflation' isn't a trend – it's a permanent hit to your wallet
Peugeot owner and VW call for faster switch to electric vehicles
- Peugeot owner and VW call for faster switch: fordern
- longer transition to EVs is a ‘big trap’: große Falle
- The next five to 10 years are considered make or break: auf Leben und Tod
- with the imposition of tariffs totalling up to 45% on EV imports: die Einführung von Zolltarifen, Elektrofahrzeug
- Several manufacturers have already scrapped their original plans: aufgeben
- I’m convinced we also see customer demand picking up: überzeugt, anziehen
Teenage social media use strongly linked to anxiety and depression, UK study finds
- number of children treated by NHS [National Health Service] mental health services surges: stark angestiegen
- Social media use in teenagers is strongly correlated to higher anxiety and depression: in engem Zusammenhang stehen
- Academics from Oxford university, who are carrying out the largest global study: durchführen
- about 50,000 young people aged 11-18 across the UK will take part in the full study: teilnehmen
- To plug the gap, Gallacher said his team have launched the BrainWaves study: die Lücke schließen
- Wellbeing and flourishing are also strongly correlated to high agency: Wohlbefinden, Wohlstand
'Shrinkflation' isn't a trend – it's a permanent hit to your wallet
- Shrinkflation: Schrumpfflation
- supply chain backlogs: Rückstände in der Lieferkette
- consumers are bearing the brunt of production expenses: die Verbraucher die Hauptlast der Produktionskosten tragen
- Consumers do not always see the changes right away; often, they are incremental: schrittweise
- Companies generally seize the opportunity to use less product and make the same amount: die Gelegenheit nutzen
- Whether grocers use stickers to warn shoppers or not, it's a tough pill to swallow: eine schwer zu schluckende Pille
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60 second grammar - for vs since
For = period of time (Zeitraum) - I have lived in Berlin for three years.
Since = point in time (Zeitpunkt) - I have lived in Berlin since 2020.